AlphaBetty Saga : Level 901 - Video
AlphaBetty Saga : Level 901 - Tips
To beat the level 901 of AlphaBetty Saga we've compiled a small list of general tips that should help you along the way. While some tips are more useful than others, it's always good to be reminded of the basics.
#01 AlphaBetty Saga is a typical game where you get better simply by playing more. It's not a problem to take the time for a level.
#02 AlphaBetty Saga contains many levels and the further you get you will find different game modes.
#03 This is one of those matching puzzlers where it's better to create matches on top, then work your way down the board.
#04 Don't forget the objectives in the AlphaBetty Saga : Levels
#05 Do not choose the suggested words as many time there are better possibilities hidden in the playing field.
#06 Utilize Acronyms as they are acceptable in AlphaBetty Saga. You can create a match with the word iOS, or create a match with several acronyms.
#07 If you spell a word with a crowned letter, that'll help you complete specific objectives you may have in a level.
#08 Make as many 4-letter words as possible to create crowned tiles.
#09 If you charge the shuffler before a level, you can use it for free.
#10 Once the meter reaches its maximum level, you can use the shuffler for free again.
#11 Use a line blaster only when you feel that maximum titles can be removed with it.
#12 There are a lot of obscure three-letter words which work just fine to score points in a hurry.
#13 Use Word Builders to Create Longer Words.
#14 Look for plural forms of words and suffixes like '-ed'. This way, you will get rid of an extra letter from the game board.
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These are the best Cheats or Tips for AlphaBetty Saga : Level 901.
You can also watch the complete video of AlphaBetty Saga : Level 901 and to understand how to play the game.
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